Sunday, December 27, 2009

am i the only one?

I have gained weight over the holiday. I really didn't think it would happen, I really thought I would avoid it. Well I thought I might gain like 2 lbs of water weight but it is more and I don't want to talk about it :)I just feel gross. I went to the gym last night and did a Jillian Michaels workout and it was tough, I've gotten out of shape. craaaaap. I guess now is the time to do the post holiday melt down, that's what it's for, right? And I've signed up for 2 races for next year already. Woman's triathlon in May and a half marathon in July. I'm excited. And this year, non of my goals involve weight loss. I just don't feel like it's necessary. I know I'll do another boot camp and I have 2 races to train for so I don't feel like I'll gain any more than I did over the holidays and there is no other way to go except down?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I ended the post holiday diet last Friday at 172.5. And then had a wonderful Saturday that consisted of New Moon, lunch with in laws and then dinner was at our ward Christmas party. Not the most ideal but like last time, it has gotten me back on track with eating well. Until I go to my moms house and she has some delicious treat on the counter. damn those oreos in that adorable santa cookie jar. I've been trying to still workout but this week it has consisted of turbo jam videos. I don't feel like they are very intense but it's better than nothing. I'm a but apprehensive about getting on the scale because I was excited to be 2.5 pounds away from my "goal" and I don't want to see my set back. I know I have not been drinking enough water. Does this blog get pretty repetitive?
I signed up for the woman's triathlon again for May. The last thing I feel like doing right now is training but I know that will change by February.
I am very happy with where I am with my weight. I can wear normal clothes, eat what I want (realistically) do workouts I enjoy and maintain. Losing more would be a bonus but I am comfortable where I am.
Have a good week and enjoy Christmas!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

On thanksgiving, I ran a 4 mile turkey trot and started the day out weighing 173.5. Friday morning I woke up feeling sick with a stuffy nose and congested chest so this last week, all I've done is eat and no workouts. I finally went for a run on Saturday. Besides being sick it is just way too cold for me to keep up the motivation. So today I'm starting the holiday melt down diet again. I don't have anything going on this week but want to get back down before the next holiday. And I noticed that after finishing the 6 days last time, I ate better and less often. Meaning I wasn't snacking all day, instead I was eating 5 meals a day.
Day 1 start weight = 175.5

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


the 6 day post holiday eating plan is not for sale, It's free! For more information go to fit eats

Monday, November 16, 2009

end of fit camp results

today ended the 3rd fit camp and also a 6 day post holiday diet that I was trying out for my friend. Kind of a lose the holiday weight type thing that she is selling with her training. I think more info is here or here
anyways, last time I took my measurements was the end of Making the Cut, about 6 1/2 weeks ago. And I'm doing them on a Monday, I usually do it Friday because I weigh less from eating good all week rather than snacking all weekend. But because the diet just ended yesterday, I knew today was as good as any.

weight 176.3 (explanation below)...173.9!!
bust 41......................................40.5 nbb
chest 34.5.................................same
waist 34.5.....................................34
hips 42......................................same
R thigh 25.5.....................................24.5
L thigh 25.5......................................24.75
R arm 13.........................................12.75
L arm 13........................................12.75
belly button 37.5...............................same (dang it)

3.9 more pounds to my goal!! It sounds so little, but I feel like I'm getting to the point where the weight doesn't come off as easy. Okay, let's be honest, I'm getting to the point where it requires more discipline with my diet and I just need to dig deep and find that :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The triathlon is done. I'm sure if you read this, you also read my family blog. If not, here is a recap.
I have a hard time once I've accomplished what I've been training for because I feel like, "what's next?" and if there isn't anything, it's harder to find the motivation to work out hard. But right now, luckily I have the 4 mile turkey trot to look forward to. I ran the 5k in the triathlon so much faster than I normally do so I'm excited for this next run. But after Thanksgiving, then what? I'll find something. I did make a goal to run a half marathon before I turned 30, so maybe I will start looking for one of those.
Charlotte turned one on the 5th and I decided it was time to start weaning her, where did my full boobs go? so sad.

My trainer friend that has helped me a lot to get this weight off is planning a post holiday weight loss plan and I'm trying out her 6 day eating program for her. I'm on day 5 and am down to 174.6, this is progress :). I've been hanging out at the same weight for so long. But at the same time, it was nice to know I could eat how i wanted, workout hard (which I enjoy) and maintain. I just have to decide if I want to stay where I am. Which by the way, I have more confidence in my body than you might think. I don't mind looking how I do, I can buy normal clothes. But I think I'd like to get down to 170 because that is what I was after Cloe and it would be something cool to accomplish. But the boobs, the poor sad boobs that lead (because you always lose those first) you through weight loss.

peace out.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

oh my eager awaiting fans, sorry to make you sit on pins and needles with no posting. One more week until the triathlon! I'm getting excited. I feel ready. Today I bike on a stationary bike and then swam. I felt really strong on the swim and the bike went well, but for some reason stationary bikes are "faster". I did 10 miles just under 30 minutes. I don't think I've ever done that on a real bike.
My weight has stayed the same and this week my goal is to eat healthy and clean. I know today is Halloween but I have got to keep my hand out of the candy bag. I don't want to feel sluggish during the triathlon so I think eating well and staying hydrated this week will help. I'll post my results next week, and with that intense of a workout, I should have a weight loss ;)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

nervous about the triathlon? yes

This week I ended at 177.1

Today I went for a 3 mile run and 12 mile bike. Which made me realize this race will be tough. I struggled on the bike. I was on a mountain bike that is a lower quality mountain bike and for the race, I will be renting a high end road bike, I so hope that will make a difference. I just need to work on the bike more. I'm comfortable with the run although my time today wasn't race speed. But I've already signed up, I'm committed so I'm doing it wether I'm ready or not.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

end of Making the Cut

Loved this program and I know that I will do it again. I recommend getting the book. It finished last week but I keep forgetting to get my measurements before I ate. Today I finally said "oh well" because I wanted to get it posted.

before after
R thigh.....................25.25..................................25.5
L thigh.....................25.5.....................................25.5
R arm........................13.......................................13
L arm.........................13.......................................13
belly button................38......................................37.5

lost 4.25 inches and 7 pounds
And to think, it would've been more had I been more disciplined with he diet.

I started another fit camp on Monday and after much meditation, I have committed myself to sticking to the eating program for the 6 weeks. In the long run, 6 weeks is nothing. EXCEPT, I am making cinnamon rolls this weekend for General Conference and I will eat one. All that time and labor, you better believe I'll eat one. And I know Cloe and I will make an apple pie in October, I will eat some of that as well. 2 exceptions, not bad, still have got to live :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

dang it, I've got to stay accountable

week 3 MTC (making the cut for those of you who don't know)
Sunday: dinner at the in-laws
Tuesday: my brothers family was in town so family dinner
Friday: date (Pizzeria 712, so good, try it!)
Saturday: the kids got coupons for Red Robin free kids meal, so dinner out.

This morning I was up to 178.2, please be water weight!
I'm still digging these workouts. AND, I signed up for another triathlon. It's the last one of the season, November 7th, so after MTC, it's time to start training. I had a hard time getting into it but now I have 3 friends doing it so I'm pretty excited.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

week 2 MTC

great news!! Mid July, as you know, I was down to 176. Since then, as you know, I've gotten up to 182. Well last week with my loss, I gave all the credit to water weight. But I think I can take some credit now because this morning I was back down to 176.3!!!! I seriously stepped on the scale 5 more times just to double check. I even made sure it was on level ground and there wasn't anything under it making it uneven. I'm totally noticing a difference in my belly. Glad about that because I was trying really hard to not get disgusted with how it had changed over the last few weeks. Just felt really bloated. I have to say it again, her workouts are awesome. I sweat so much! I'm at the halfway point and a little nervous about how to maintain, I've never really done that before.
Hopefully I'll see a NEW, lower number next week that I haven't seen in years!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

week one, MTC

Since today and tomorrow are rest days, I'll just consider the week done. I am back down, 179.6

I knew the weight that had put me in the 180's HAD to be water weight. Surprisingly, it has been easy to stick to the eating. With all the sweets and junk I had been eating, I expected it to be a little difficult to just cut them out.
The workouts are hard! I sweat big time and I love it.

I unfroze my gym membership on Tuesday because the workouts require a gym and I'm not enjoying it. I feel like it takes up part of my day that I'm not used to, Charlotte isn't digging the kids club, and it is inconvenient to get there. But I can suck it up for the 30 days and see how i feel when it's over. I was so nice to have been able to lost the weight that I did from home.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm back

I'm starting a new plan

I read the book over the weekend and was still making my plan when I realized I had the food I needed and the workout of day 1 could be done from home. Dang it was tough, now I see why she claims to get you in shape in 30 days if you stick to the plan. Now I have to unfreeze my gym membership. I'm trying to have a more positive attitude about going to the gym but I'm really not looking forward to it. It's one more thing I have to add into my day. BUT it's only 30 days and then I can decide if I want to keep going or freeze it again.

Now for the numbers. Really embarrassing. July and August. I was so bad in these months. Look back on my last weight, 179. Today I weighed in at 183.3, sick. I hate how I feel since I stopped working hard and didn't care about my eating so hopefully after the 30 days, I will be more motivated to maintain rather than going hog wild. July and August included my BF being here for 4 weeks, Brody's birthday with Costco cake, my birthday celebrated 3 times, each with dessert and I think having the kids home for the summer contributed some.

start stats
weight: 183.3
bust: 42.5
chest: 36
waist: 35
hips: 42.5
R thigh: 25.25
L thigh: 25.5
R arm: 13
L arm: 13
belly button: 38

I recommend this book, she is awesome and very motivating. You can tell she has worked with fat people (biggest loser) and has heard excuses and knows how to keep you going.
After writing this post, now I'm excited for the results. She claims there should be results every week.
September 22nd is 30 days, just in time to start another fit camp.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I haven't quit!

I thought the holidays were the hard time to lose weight! I think July is the hard time to lose weight. Since July 4th my discipline has been meh. We've gone on little vacations, had visitors, birthdays and of course, I've been sleeping in. I'm at 179 but I feel like I've gained belly fat with all the carbs and sugar.
I've decided that when school starts on the 19th, I will get back into it. It will really help to have a routine and schedule. My goal this year is to run a half marathon. And in November there is a triathlon that I would like to do, so I will also start training for that as my workouts.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I need to go easy on the carbs and sugar this week. haven't had much discipline.

Monday, July 6, 2009


after coming off of a vacation with no discipline, I've having a hard time getting back into eating good. I know I can do it, I was doing it perfect a week and a half ago. what is my problem? I would really like to lose a pound this week but it's going to take a lot of positive thinking since I can't keep my hands out of "the cookie jar".

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I know where I went wrong this week and it shows in the numbers. We are camping today so that is why I'm doing such an early weigh in. My goal is to not gain weight this weekend!!!

today: 178.2

Sunday, June 28, 2009

love it!

Started fit camp again this last week and it was good to be eating right again and getting good workouts in.
last week 182
friday morning! 178.5
I am in the freaking 170's! How awesome is that! I distinctly remember after Abbey was born, being at the gym and on their scale weighing 177. I can't remember her age though. I'm not sure if she was older or younger than one, I think older. If you look at my ticker on the right, I have 8.5 more pounds to go until my goal weight, crazy! My "goal" weight I entered was 170 because that's what I got down to after Cloe was born. I've just got to stay focused, motivated and disciplined.

Monday, June 22, 2009

mental week=weight gain. duh!

After a very indulgent week, I am back at 182. I gained 1.7 pounds. I was expecting 2. I am so ready for a body cleanse. After eating sooo bad and not doing very intense of workouts, I feel bloated, sluggish when I do workout and I didn't poop as regularly as I normally do. So today begins another 6 weeks of fit camp. I'm glad to be back on the wagon and that week was a good break. My goal this time is to be a size 10 and lose 10 pounds. I can do it, no problem!

Monday, June 15, 2009

taking a mental week

I don't think I posted last weekend. I ran a 5k then had the after race goodies and couldn't get an accurate weight. And not exactly sure why I didn't post. Last week was the end of fit camp and I didn't reach my goal. I wanted to be in the 170's and I do have an excuse.
this week: 180.3
Friday, which was my weigh in day, I woke up at 6 to take the kids to a hot air balloon launch and then over to the fireman's breakfast. So therefore, I didn't get my last chance workout before the final weigh in. Had I done a good hard workout that morning (and not eaten the fireman's breakfast) I know I would've ended at at least 179.9, But I'm not stressing about it.
This week I decided to take a little mental break from counting calories and doing hard workouts. I've already eaten 1/2 of a coconut cream pie and I got a piece of pf changs chocolate cake for our anniversary. SOOOOOO delicious. Monday, it will be back to business. But it is nice to go for slow jogs. And unfortunately, my weight will probably go up this week.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

milestone reached!

This week I weighed in at 181.5, that is 0.4 pounds less than what I weighed when I got pregnant with Charlotte!
last week: 183.2
this week: 181.5
I don't know why I have bad days of eating, I feel SO much better when I eat right and when I eat bad, I always regret it because it's never ever anything worth it. PF Changs great wall of chocolate, costco cake, yes worth it, but I haven't been offered those items in a long time. SO this week, I stuck to the plan and it payed off. And I'm now seeing that I have a 2 pack. At the top of my abbs, i have muscle definition, among other areas of my body that I'm starting to notice more definition.

A little background on my baby weight loss history. After Cloe, I got down to 170, after Brody, I got down to 170 but that was short lived because I got pregnant with Abbey. Her pregnancy wasn't planned so that was a hard pill to swallow, actually if I had been swallowing a pill, I would not have been pregnant. haha. After Abbey, I MIGHT have gotten down to 175 but I know I got to 177 for sure. Then when we were living in Italy, we took a 6 week vacation in UT and I gained 5 pounds! but so worth it, eating all the foods I couldn't get in Italy :) This was first of September and with all the Fall holidays, I ended up weighing 190 by January. Holy crap I gained a lot of weight in a short period of time! Then I had a good friend who was just starting her personal training business and took advantage of that opportunity and got down to 181.9, then got pregnant. So that is my baby weight history. I am curious to know what my post Charlotte weight will be.
So my baby is 7 months old next week and I've lost all my pregnancy weight. Quite the milestone.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

not so thrilled to post

you can always tell when I'm not happy with my weight loss or I haven't been on track because I post at the beginning of the next week :)
this week 183.2
last Friday, I was 183.8, but after the triathlon on Saturday, I was 183.4. So going from Friday to Friday, I lost 0.5 this week. My eating on Friday and Saturday and half on Sunday were terrible. Saturday we did a garage sale and I was there almost all day. I didn't plan my meals well and I snacked on the treats my kids were selling. Monday was a good eating day and today was a great workout, so this week has gotten off to a better start. Hopefully I just gained a little water weight from the weekend that will be easy to lose.
This is the 4th week of Fit camp, 3 more to go. I told myself at the beginning that I didn't want to waste any of the 6 weeks. I knew I would regret it in the end if I didn't stick to the plan and lose a good amount of weight. So this last weekend was a little vacation and now it's back to it with no more slip ups!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

another race

I just signed up for the 5k in our city on June 6th. I'm excited because it's a good course and I'm pretty sure I can get a good time. The end has a good down hill, so I can lengthen my stride and pick it up. Which makes it even better, this race is only $8! That's hard to find these days. For the rest of race season, if it isn't a triathlon, I'm going to run as a "bandit". When you run the race but don't pay. So rebellious, I know. I wanted Cloe and Brody to run with me because it's a fun family type race but Ryan didn't think they could really handle it. Deep down inside, I'm a little relieved. I'm really wanting to go for time, so it's nice to not worry about the kids. Although, Brody could probably smoke me, that kid has so much energy. And surprisingly to myself, I've had a tough time finding someone to run with me. But as long as I have my ipod, I'll be good because then I can go at my pace and not have to slow down for some one else. Oh, snap, did i just say that? totally kidding.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

the long awaited triathlon

I did it. I am very proud of myself and believe that in life you have to do hard things. Not necessarily physically hard, things that challenge you. We all know it's a great feeling when you accomplish things that are hard. If you read this blog, then I'm assuming you read my family blog and you have already read about the triathlon. The training I did for this triathlon has convinced me that the best way to train is doing sprints. Up until the last 2 weeks none of my training exceeded 30 minute workouts and it usually consisted of doing sprints. I felt really good during my race except for the transition between biking and running. I had to stop and walk for a bit to get my legs used to running. I can't wait until my next race. On June 6th I want to do the 5k in my city and I think I'm going to recruit Cloe and Brody. I'm going to take them for a few trial runs and then I'll see if they are up for it.

last week: 184.5
this week: 183.4

I'm starting my 3rd week of fit camp and am very optimistic that I will be in the 170's when it ends in 4 weeks.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

short but SHU-WEET!!

I'm tired, it's late but I've gotta post to stay accountable.
I was 184.5 this morning!! I love seeing new numbers, I lost 4.5 pounds. The 2 pounds I gained after biggest loser were definitely water weight. I'm so thrilled to be back on track. I'm almost to my pre pregnancy weight. But, I started this last pregnancy way too high and I"m also less than half way to my goal weight.
Next Saturday is the triathlon, I'm VERY nervous. I'm lacking the endurance I feel I need to finish the last leg, the run. I'll do it, I'll finish but it ain't gonna be easy.
Expect more good news next week! :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

fit camp

whew, this is going to be a tough 6 weeks. Actually I know it will get easier but still tough. I'm sure that doesn't make sense :)
Today is day 2 and for the first week, I am doing a "jump start" eating plan. Low carbs, no processed foods and no sugar. I don't eat like this often so I'm working on the creativity. Chicken and veggies might get old after a while :) The workouts have been tiring, and I'm a little exhausted during the day. I usually run swim or bike for 30 minutes and now I'm doing 45 minute workouts and twice a week I workout with a group. Today was the first group workout and it kicked my trash. Hopefully I'm not too sore tomorrow. This is a challenge but I'm ready for it and even more ready for the results!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I guess I'm still on my "break". I started a new Biggest Loser challenge yesterday and I'm starting a fitness boot camp on monday. The boot camp is 6 weeks and the biggest loser is 10 weeks. I will be in the 170's by the time boot camp ends and I love the thought of it! I am nervous about it because I will be counting calories and working out harder. It's a big commitment and that's what I need but am I ready for it? yes. And I worry about my milk supply a little bit. And I really want to win one of these biggest loser challenges for once. seriously.
I didn't reach my 7 am workout goal. Monday I didn't hear my alarm go off, Tuesday did it, Wed did it, Thursday did it and Friday had an 8:45 appointment and wouldn't not have had time to get ready on top of getting Cloe ready and to school. So, workouts weren't so great this week and eating wasn't fabulous. That would explain why there was no loss.

this week: 188.9
I've gained 2 pounds since the challenge ended BUT I haven't been good with my water so I think this weight will be easy to lose again.
I'm going to dinner with the in-laws tomorrow and then it's time to get serious again. Summer is almost here, no regrets!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

this week I did not get on the scale because I needed a break from the pressure of losing weight that came with the competition. I still worked out, didn't eat so great but time to kick it back in gear tomorrow.
My goal this week: workout BEFORE the kids get up. I hate how it takes up my morning when I wait until I've taken the girls to school. I think I will also eat better throughout the day if I workout first thing in the morning. maybe the scale will be my friend because of it!
Have a good week!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

week 15 and end of BL challenge

Not quite the blaze of glory I was planning on but I still lost and I came close to my goal. And I saw new lower numbers this week which always feels good.

weight: 186.5.....-1.5
my total weight loss percentage for the challenge was 4.6% which doesn't place me in the top 3.

Rarm....................12 same
Larm....................12 -0.5
bust.....................40.5 -0.5
belly button.........36.25 -0.75
baby bulge..........37.75 -1.75 oh yeah!
waist...................39 same
hips....................42.75 -0.25
Rleg...................21.25 same
Lleg...................21.75 +0.5

I've decided that when I get to 180, I will post pictures. It will be nice to not have the stress of the biggest loser challenge so for the next couple weeks, it's just me and my blog viewers. I would like to pick it up the next 12 weeks and I know I will because of a new program I'm starting, but it's cool to think that by swimming in public time of year, I will be comfortable in a suit. But I'm far more comfortable chubby in a suit that most woman ;) so that doesn't mean I'm going to be ripped and at 8% body fat.
We had a few days of cold and snow and it was depressing and unmotivated. But it's warming back up and the costco cake is gone, thanks to the neighbor kids. So this should be another successful week.

Monday, April 13, 2009

posting on monday?

As you can tell, I really don't want to post this week. I actually wanted to do measurements but my kids got a hold of my measuring tape and I didn't have the time to look for it. Bad week, bad bad bad week. I only lost 0.3 pounds which puts me at
Can't complain at a loss but the Friday we left for CA, I was 187.7. This is the last week of the current weight loss challenge I am doing and my goal is to have lost 10 pounds. I have a hard time NOT accomplishing a goal when I set one. Therefore, I am cutting WAY down on carbs this week. Kind of doing South Beach diet. I'm not a fan at all of diets that require you to cut out certain foods and you lose a lot of weight fast but this is for purposes of achieving my goal. I won't be disappointed if I quickly gain some of it back but I'm going down in a blaze of glory. This is the only way I know how to lose 2.5 pounds in one week and keep my milk :)
I'm still training for the triathlon and am still nervous for it. I find they are easier to go and do when it is more spontaneous. Now that i've had a few months to prepare and think about it, I'm getting nervous.
I need new running shoes but getting my husband to agree on that purchase is a difficult one. It's hard to argue your case with someone who knows nothing about running. He thinks you need new running shoes when they have holes in the toes. If I could afford it, I would buy new shoes every six months. The ones I have now, I have had for at least 2 years. Yeah, time for new ones, I have a knee that is starting to bug me.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

week 13

I'm being lazy today so I'm going by my weight yesterday. I'm suppose to be watching my brother's baby today. He was suppose to come over at 8:30 am and it's now 9:10 and he's still not here. So, I could've gone jogging and brought my weight down for this week's weigh in. Oh well.
last week: 187.8
this week: 188.3
I'm wanting to get a workout in later today. we'll see.
The weight loss challenge I'm doing end in 2 weeks and my goal for finishing it off is to have lost 10 lbs. I started it at 195.5, so I need to get down to 185.5. Today I have 2.8 pounds to go, totally doable. It was a 12 week challenge and I remember at the beginning thinking, "if I lose 2 pound a week I would weigh 171.5!". But looking back, had I worked hard enough to be losing 2 pounds a week, I would've gotten burned out. It would have required me to be counting calories or points and in the past I"ve figured out that using methods like that for weight loss don't work for me. I have to be able to feel like I'm just living but making healthy eating decisions and exercising because I love to. And that is why I will have lost 10 pounds instead of 24. But hey, you won't see me complaining! And hopefully I'll make some cash by at least getting 3rd :)
This week I am making a goal to eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies again. Mostly veggies. I've been slacking on that the last couple of weeks and need to add them back into my diet.
Thanks for all your support, it really is helpful to know your checking the blog so I know that someone is keeping track of me.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

week 12

I was planning by now to post some pictures of myself. before and after type pictures. I thought 12 weeks would be enough time to be more comfortable. I'm just not there yet. But I have lost a little over 12 pounds now. I wanted more but averaging a pound a week isn't bad. My triathlon training this week went well. I was able to run, bike and swim at least once, some twice.
I failed at lent. I had a week and a half to go and I failed. My step dad is in the ICU right now and we just found out he has a stage 3 bone cancer. So I've been quite emotional and stressed. By Wednesday, I just didn't care and had a girl scout cookie. Okay, I had 3. But I feel so much better when I don't eat treats so I kind of recommitted. With the weight loss success I've been having since I stopped eating treats, I find it's not worth it to eat them again. No regrets come swim suit time!

week 12: 187.8
with a loss of 2 lbs this week!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thank you Syd and Linds for the motivation!

this week: 189.8
I lost 0.1
I have been sick this week. An upper chest kind of cold. So I was lacking motivation and energy. I didn't start working out until Wednesday and they weren't all that intense. BUT, it did feel good to workout. I also didn't get any triathlon training in this week. I went for a run but it only ended up being 23 minutes because I saw a neigbor that I needed to talk to and then I ran out of time with my "babysitter".

This week I want to do all triathlon workouts and I'd like to add at least one, hopefully two resistance workouts.

At least I didn't gain or just maintain but I hate when I lose less than half a pound and to be honest, kind of annoying when I lose less than a pound.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

so grateful for health!

This week I have been sick with something in my chest and it also makes me tired. I don't want any regrets come saturday weigh in but I really don't have the energy for a workout. Get up and just do it!!! at least some resistance, it's not like I always have to do hard cardio.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


wow this has been a rough weekend. I woke up the morning of the race with a sore throat and it has been down hill from there. Today I'm exhausted. And today is Ryan's birthday. For his birthday eve, he asked me to make him brownies with vanilla ice cream. Then today I made him cake with cream cheese frosting. I LOVE my cream cheese frosting. My point, I'm exhausted and feeling sick and having to stare at yummy baked goods that much, can take a tole one you. I almost just took a lick. Who would it hurt, nobody really cares if I fail or succeed at making it through Lent. Yeah, but I do. It's a challenge for me and I like to prove to myself that I can accomplish things. Hence the self inflicted torture of races. A crunchy peanut butter sandwich got me through.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

week 10 with a bit of celebration

we'll start with my measurements

baby bulge..........39.5..-0.5

last weeks weight: 191.9
this week: 189.9
Not only did I lose 2 lbs! BUT I'm in the 180's! so happy about that. It's always nice to go down a tier. As I'm typing this, my husband just pulled warm brownies out of the oven and topped it off with vanilla ice cream. none for me. Lent has gotten far easier as time goes on. I don't even think twice about not eating treats and they aren't a temptation either.

Today I ran a 5k. The triathlon in May is going to be a challenge! Wow is my body beat from being pregnant. I'm nervous for the triathlon. I held a good pace in the run but I don't know if I could ride a bike and swim in one day after running 3 miles.

This week I did weight watchers for my eating. It obviously worked so I will continue it again for the coming week. 3 more weeks of no treats which is turning out to be a good thing.
I need to do more endurance training to prepare for the triathlon. So I"m thinking more steady state cardio rather than fat burning workouts.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

family skate night = fun exercise

Last night we had another Family Skate Night and this time I rented skates! The rentals were only $1 and I was allowed to push Charlotte in the stroller while I skated. It was so fun to be skating to loud music and of course to be with the kids. And to top it off, I got a second workout in for the day. I would have liked to skate faster for an even better workout but I had to look like a responsible adult. And the little kids that would bail out at the last second and cut you off, made me a little nervous. Possibly video will be posted on our family blog about it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

week 9

my pride doesn't want me to post this week but I've got to stay accountable to my 3 viewers that read this blog.

this week: 191.9
I'm only down 0.1
I'm doing perfect with Lent, no treats. And I've had plenty of opportunities. My husband made fried ice cream on sunday and insisted that I just take a bite and try it. I did not do it. Then on Wednesday, I made a friend some brownies and did not eat any from the pan or lick the spoon! And finally, last night I went on a date with my husband and he got a very delicious looking dessert, but I did not eat a single bite. And all 3 times weren't even tempting, I know I'll be able to eat these things again so why screw up my goal now? We went to an "okay" restaurant. the company was great and I enjoyed the time with my hubby but the food wasn't worth it.
I got some good triathlon work outs in but I'm still struggling with my running. I went for a 3 mile run at a good pace and at about 26 minutes, I had to walk for a minute. So it took me 31.46 to run 3 miles. I want to be faster than this in the triathlon.

My goal for this week is to be in the 180's! I really need to plan out my food and workouts. Charlotte is sleeping consistently now so I think I'm going to start getting my workouts in first thing in the morning before I get the kids up for school. Then I've got a work out in guaranteed. It would be nice to have a jogging partner but for some reason, I haven't had much luck finding one in my neighborhood.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

week 8

Well I will not have a week like the previous week. It just isn't worth eating crappy, gaining weight and then spending the next week trying to lose it. It will have to really be worth it like a date at "The Roof" restaurant. Or a CA trip of eating at Wahoo's every day. I did my triathlon training like I wanted to. I did each leg of the race at least once.

this week: 192 I'm happy with the .3 and glad to be back on track.
this week I need to ride the bike more, that is the "event" I'm struggling with. My swimming is starting to feel stronger but the bike is pathetic.
Lent is good so far. I've had my temptation but I'm still going strong ;)

I should be doing measurements this week but I'm already showered and dressed, I'll wait until next week.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

Today is the first day of the season of Lent and I am fasting from treats for 40 days. I'm hoping this will help. Especially because my latest weight gain has been from treats. I will be chewing a lot of sugar free gum to help that sweet tooth and need to buy a few packages of sugar free pudding. Wish me luck till Palm Sunday!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

1 holiday+4 birthday parties=weight gain

It was Cloe and Abbey's birthday this week and I did not hold back. Therefore I gained.
last week: 192.3
this week: 193.6
darn it.

I went for a bike ride this morning. It's the first time riding a bike since I was 20 weeks pregnant. Oh my goodness it was hard! Like pathetic hard. I can blame the bike a little. It was my moms so the seat was too low and I needed a tool to raise it, and the tires were a little low also. Every time I've added a triathlon workout, swimming & biking, I question my ability to be ready by May 16th. I didn't think my muscles would be so shot after being pregnant. I just need to work that much harder and do more triathlon workouts.
I found my weight watchers stuff and have been going back and forth about whether or not I want to count points. It just seems so annoying when I think about it.
And Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which starts the season of Lent. That means I will be fasting from treats for 40 days. I need this big time. And it's gonna take a few days to program myself to not eat treats.

My goal this week is to do a workout of each leg of the triathlon. Swim, bike run.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

week 6 and measurements

Not the best eating week but I added some different workouts in that were more intense and more effective. This week I don't want to do a "free day" because it usually turns into 2-3 free days. I have 2 birthday celebrations this weekend for the girls, so instead of a free day, I'm going to have a small treat each day, so that will allow me to have a small piece of cake at their parties. I haven't been good with the fruit and veggies like I was before and I'd like to refocus on doing that again. And I found my weight watchers stuff. I need too re look it over and i haven't decided if I'm going to start it. What I"m doing now seems to be working fine, but we'll see.

bust.............41.5 ....same
belly button.......37 3/4.....-0.75
baby bulge.........40...........-.05

so the last 2 weeks, I've lost 3.75 inches.

weight 192.3.........-1.2

maybe stress helps me to lose weight :) so this weeks goal is to reincorporate the fruits and veggies and to not have a free day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

life has been stressful and i hate days like today when i don't workout. don't be an artist in a bad economy!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

no more fat pants

I forgot one exciting thing that happened. At the end of my pregnancy, I ripped the front of my maternity jeans and it wasn't on a seam. I sewed them back together. Then after she was born, I was still wearing them and the mended rip, ripped again. Old Navy was having a sale, jeans $12. So I bought a pair of size 16 to hold me over. This week I started wearing size 14. I was wearing 14 when I got pregnant. I also was able to wear a pre pregnancy skirt to church on Sunday. Not an elastic waist one mind you, it had a zipper. It feels good to be getting back into my pre pregnancy clothes. But I plan on dropping 2 more sizes to a 10. That would be FAB-U-LOUS!

week 5, glad it's over

This week has been stressful for me. Stressful times in the Brown household right now. I've also learned that I'm an emotional eater. BUT since i realized it, I can easily control it. Oh, and we have no sweets in our house and I can't quite pinpoint what would be good at that moment. I'm always up for Costco cake or the chocolate mouse at The Roof restaurant!! When I first weighed myself, I thought "phew, at least I just maintained and didn't gain anything." But then when I looked back to last week, I actually lost!!

last week: 194.5
today: 193.5
This was great news and helped perk me up for the day.

I still have 3 months to train for the triathlon but I am nervous. I didn't think it would be tough to get back into shape after having a baby. I've never tried anything like this after my other pregnancies. I've been picking up my running pace which feels good to do but now my route can be finished in less than 30 minutes. And mentally, I like my steady state cardio to be at least 30 minutes. My plan for next Saturday (if it works with Ryan's schedule) is to go for a bike ride. I haven't done that since I was 22 weeks pregnant. And I'd also like to try and get in the pool and swim one day.
And this week I can't let myself get on the scale until Saturday morning. It just messes with my head too much when my weight fluctuates throughout the week. But I also like to know where I am, like if I need to eat more protein and less carbs or do more cardio. But for sanity's sake, no getting on the scale until I'm ready to check in.

Friday, January 30, 2009

week 4

I feel like I've figured out what works for my body. In the past I've tried counting calories, cutting out carb and counting points. It works for a while, it does work. But I've also learned how to eat healthy and enjoy it and eat smaller portions and to also have a treat . Since I started adding the 5 serving of fruit/veggies everyday, my eating has easily improved. I don't really crave sweets and if I'm in the mood for one, nothing sounds appealing. Tonight I was "in the mood" for a treat, so I looked in the fridge, the freezer and then the pantry. Nothing. So I ended up having a few stalks of celery. And it was good, I enjoyed it. My cousin and good friend, Sydney, introduced me to lentils last year. I had never eaten lentils until she sent me some recipe's. I. Love. them. (and so do my kids) I actually crave lentils some times. I'm just thrilled right now with how my body is feeling and the way I'm eating. And more happy that it does actually feel like a lifestyle change rather than a temporary diet.
I also started taking Omega-3 vitamins. I've often seen Dr. Oz talk about how essential Omega-3 is and I happen to find a buy one get one free of the vitamin brand Ryan buys. (Walgreens is having a sale) Anyways, I've also noticed a difference since I've started taking it. I have far more energy now. I don't get sluggish at about 1:00 any more and because of that, I'm far more patient with my kids.
I'm also starting to feel stronger. Especially with my running. I can hold a pretty good pace. I'm really looking forward to running a race because I'm confident this will be a year of personal best on my times.
So this has been a good week of change.

weigh in: 194.5 down 1 pound!

bust: 41.5.......-.5
belly 38.5.......-.5
baby bulge 40.5......-.5
waist 41..........-.5
hips, arms and legs are the same.

I think I measure my waist and hips in the wrong place. But I'm just going to keep doing it where I am to keep it consistent.

Monday, January 26, 2009

starting the week out right

for some reason, Monday workouts don't always happen for me. I'm not sure why. But this morning I got a resistance workout in and i plan on doing cardio this evening after I put the kids to bed. Or if they're being good, before bed. It just feels good to start the week right. And I've had a great eating day.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

week 3

well I'm happy to check in at

195.5 a loss of 0.7

I didn't reach my 1 pound goal but I did do the 5 serving of fruits/veggies per day. What a difference that makes! I didn't realize I wasn't eating enough fruits and veggies. I had to find ways to put them in. Sometimes it came as a glass of 100% fruit juice. I had a rough week with sick kids and lack of sleep so I'm hoping this next week will bring better results.
I started a new weight loss challenge on Friday. That will help me to stay on track because it's more people I have to report to and there is money on the line.
This week I want to keep the same goals. Lose a pound and include 5 servings fruit/veggies a day. I want to do it one more week because I want it to become a habit and part of my everyday food intake.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

the devil knocked on my door today

and I bought 7 boxes. This will be a real test of my discipline. They don't come until March, not to mention, during Lent. So that will be extra hard.


i forgot that i worked out monday night. my bad.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

no sweat

I have not gotten a workout in since Saturday. The kids are sick and for some reason, it has totally thrown off my schedule. And I just haven't had the motivation. Which isn't like me. Tonight when Charlotte fell asleep at 9:30, I turned a video on and was not in the mood at all. So I cleaned up the kitchen instead. So, I've been more disciplined with my eating because that is all I have going for me right now. But I'm also not too concerned because I'm starting a weight loss challenge on Friday and to start a little heavier will only work to my advantage.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

week 2 check in

new scales weight: 196.2
stepping on my old scale to gauge weight loss: 193

so nothing lost this week. I had 2 bad days. I got an IUD on Tuesday and was really crampy and feeling blah. I didn't eat great and didn't feel like doing a second workout. Wednesday, I felt bloated and still blah. I don't know if it's from the IUD in general or because I got the one with hormones. Didn't eat so great this day either and was only in the mood for one workout. Thursday was the only day I did 2 workouts. So I didn't reach my goal this week.

Every other week, I'm taking measurements.

bust..........................42........... -.25
belly button..............39........... -.5
baby bulge................41.......... -1
waist.........................41.5....... -.75
hips..........................44.......... -0
Rarm........................12.5........ -.5 finally!
Larm........................12.5......... -.5 finally
Rleg..........................22............ -0
Lleg..........................22............ -0

Today the air quality is really bad and it's 9 degrees this morning, so I worked out on the treadmill. And I wanted to share. I walked at 3.0 for 30 minutes with the incline at 15.0. much much harder than it sounds. My heart rate got as high as 152! I was so sweaty. The lowest was 143 and that's because I had to "hold on" for a little bit.

This weeks goal: lose a pound and eat more fruits and veggies. at least 5 servings a day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

new purchase

At Costco (love that store) they had a $10 off coupon for the Weight Watchers scale, which brought it down to $25. Not bad for a reliable digital scale. My current scale was $5 at Wal Mart. It was consistent if I stood on it in the exact place every week but it was measuring lighter than I was (thank you Dr. office for informing me) and I didn't like that it didn't have decimal. If I only lost .5 lbs one week, I wanted to know, every little fraction helps. So with my new scale, my weight will be higher on the next weigh in. BUT this week I take my inches and I know those will be down! I'm actually surprised by myself that the "weight gain" from the new scale doesn't bother me. I think it's because I recently took pictures of myself and I've lost noticeable weight from 6 weeks ago. I MIGHT post some. Maybe ina few more weeks. I don't mind the people that I"m aware of that view my blog seeing the pictures. For some reason the people that I'm unaware of, intimidate me. weird I know. I'll post again Saturday with my numbers.

If you read my other blog, you know about The Biggest Loser challenge I'm doing. I know you want to join!!! Trust me, I'm a big girl, if I can do it, you can too!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

won't hurt to try

My sister is really into herbal healing and is going to school to be a Master Herbalist. She told me that for weight loss, you can mix 2 oz apple cider vinegar with 16 oz water and drink that through out the day. Apparently the apple cider vinegar helps break up the fat. I haven't bothered to research it myself nor can I give you the scientific process of how it works. I know it's not harmful, so I haven't bothered. It just takes me back to my college years of taking vodka shots. hahahaha! j/k. Pretty much, it taste terrible.

week 1 check in

I'm checking in with much satisfaction. Before the holidays (Christmas and new years), I'd gotten down to 194. After, I was at my starting weight of this blog, 196. So I gained 2 lbs over the holidays, can't complain. My goal for the past week was to lose those 2 lbs and an extra as a bonus and in hopes that those 2 lbs were mostly water weight. Well, voila:

this weeks weight : 193! i lost 3 lbs. I really needed that. It has given me a boost of motivation. I'm very relieved because of the free day I had on Friday.

On Sunday, I tried on 2 skirts. One was size 14 and the other size 12 but a "stretch" material and i was able to comfortably zip them up. But because of the jiggly tummy, it created a funny looking roll so I didn't wear them. But it was still nice to have them fit.
I ripped my maternity pants and had to buy "fat pants" when Charlotte was 3 weeks. They are size 16!!! But now they are just too big and are far from being flattering. My regular pants are still not comfortable enough to wear. Maybe after another 3-5 lbs.

I've decided to make weekly goals because when I think of the BIG goal, it's too overwhelming.

This weeks goal: lose 1 lbs and workout twice a day at least 3 days this week.

I'm also changing my weigh in day to Friday. It's hard to make Sunday a good eating day. So this week will be short.

any of you have weight loss goals that your working on? How are things going with it? Good luck!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

friday, free day

and I'm not so happy about it. Friday just ended up being my free day. Ryan had an open house at his studio and I made cookies for it. I ate dough, then I had a few delicious warm cookies. Then I never stopped running around starting at about 11 am. So my lunch was mostly carbs and my dinner ended up being the pizza I bought for the kids. And of course I wasn't going to say no to my mother-in-laws lemon bars!
I am totally fine with having a free day during the week but I wanted this week to be perfect because it is the last week of a weight loss challenge I've been doing. There is a money reward, which I know I won't get but I was really wanting to go out with a bang.
So, since my next weigh in is Monday, today I'm eating mostly protein and veggies. This morning I did HiiT, which is interval running sprints. And it kicked my butt, but I think the 16 degree temperature may have had a lot to do with the difficulty. Sunday I plan to keep the protein up and then Monday morning, I'll get a workout in before I weigh. About 3 days this week I did resistance in the morning and 20 minutes cardio at night. To me it feels good to get a double workout in. But I've gotten a little less strict with my diet because I felt that I was starting to lose my milk supply. For me, when it comes down to it, my milk is more important than the weight loss. I happen to love nursing and would be sad if I had to stop.
2 more days till weigh-in, no problem I can do it.

I would really like to go snow shoeing for exercise. Anyone have some reccomendations for trails, rentals or advice??

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

so far this week, my eating has been right on. Of course it's only Tuesday but it feels good. On New Years Eve, Ryan's brother sent us home with the left over vegetable platter in a large bag. I loved snacking on them throughout the day. They were easy to just grab and I didn't have the guilty feeling or sluggish gross feeling after eating them. So this week, I made sure to have a bag of baby carrots, sugar snap peas and I took the time to cut up broccoli and celery.
So we'll see what the scale says on Monday. That seems far away :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

i'm registered

it's official, no turning back now and no refunds. I'm registered for the triathlon on May 16th. Just wish everything would thaw so it was easier to train.


bust 42.25
belly button 39.5
baby bulge 42
waist 42.25
hips 44
Rarm 13
Larm 13
Rleg 22
Lleg 22

weight 196

Friday, January 2, 2009

Only One Pound
Hello, do you know me?
If you don't, you should. I'm a pound of fat,
And I'm the HAPPIEST pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.
Want to know why?
It's because no one ever wants to lose me;
I'm ONLY ONE POUND, just a pound!
Everyone wants to lose three pounds, five pounds, or fifteen pounds, but never only one.
So I just stick around and happily keep you fat.
Then I add to myself, ever so slyly, so that you never seem to notice it.
That is, until I've grown to ten, twenty, thirty or even more pounds in weight.
Yes, it's fun being ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT, left to do as I please.
So, when you weigh in, keep right on saying, "Oh, I only lost one pound."
For you see, if you do this, you'll encourage others to keep me around because they'll think I'm not worth losing.
And, I love being around you - your arms, your legs, your chin, your hips and every part of you.
Happy Days!!!
After all, I'm ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT!!!
- Author Unknown

background check

Just to give you a little history report of my weight loss post baby struggle. When I got pregnant with Cloe, I weighed 160 but 160 looks good on me. I'm thin and have muscle. After Cloe I got down to 170. Looking back, I would love to be 170 again but at the time of course thought I was fat. After Brody, thanks to weight watchers, I got down to 170 again. Abbey was an unexpected pregnancy so I was a little bummed because I knew I could lose the last 10. With that pregnancy, i got up to 215 and the lowest I ever got after she was born was 175. From there I pretty much went up about this time last year. Pathetic. So last year at this time, just before Abbey turned 3, I weighed 190!!! gross. Holidays are so bad for me! I knew I wanted to get pregnant and wanted to start at a lower weight, so I was able to lose 8lbs and got down to 182. Thanks to Lindsey . I stayed active through this last pregnancy, jogged as long as I could and then walked 3 times a week at the end. Junk food just never really appealed to me but I still gained 40 lbs. I topped out my 4th pregnancy at 224. Currently, I'm 196 but that isn't definite because I haven't weighed myself since 2 days before Christmas, I'm too scared. SO I will post official stats on Monday.

My goal: I actually don't have a weight I have to get down to. I do want to be at least a size 10. That may be big for some of you but my body type is thin at that size. I just might have to dig up some photos to convince you of these facts ;)
But I do have a goal of doing the AF triathlon on May 16th.
Right now I've been running but haven't been able to run a whole 3 miles yet. I need to walk at least once for about 100 yards. After I can run a 5k, then I will work on the swimming. Just trying to do what the weather will allow. Oh, and I don't have a bike yet. I don't go to the gym because my gym requires babies to be 6 months before they will let them in the daycare. So no gym until May (after the tri).
I am really excited about the triathlon and more excited for some results.
Please keep on top of me if you don't think I"m posting enough. When I have someone to be accountable to, I do much much better. And if I post before and after pictures, this blog will become private :)

well well well

can mom pull it off after the 4th kid and lose this baby weight? We'll see, stay tuned. And some motivation would be nice also.

my progress


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