Monday, May 3, 2010

With the help of Fast Sunday, I have lost all of my cruise weight. I'm down to 174.4 and I haven't yet lost my motivation :)

I have a triathlon coming up that I haven't trained for much. Doesn't that always seem to be the case with me? It is on the 22nd and I'm also not that into doing it. But I've signed up, paid for it so I'm committed. RIght now that is my focus. In July, I've signed up for a half marathon so both of these races have shifted my focus more on training, rather than losing weight. Hopefully the weight loss will be an added bonus. I'm fine where I am but will continue to work hard and the warm weather has kept me motivated.

Monday, April 19, 2010

we're back from the cruise and to my utter shock surprise and amazement, this morning I weighed 178.9! I thought for sure I was going to gain 10 pounds. I worked out every day except for one but still consumed an insane amount of calories at each meal! cool, not much of a set back. I didn't drink much water, so fingers crossed that the weight is water weight!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

tomorrow we depart on the ship and my weight gain will begin. All my hard work kind of payed off. Yesterday I got down to 173.4 but this morning I was back up to 175. hmmmmm, not sure why. My frustration will start again on the 19th of trying to lose weight :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I thought I had posted after completing fit camp, obviously not. This week was great. I love working out hard, have I said that before? My running partner has been sick so I didn't do a lot of steady state cardio. MTTH and half of my workout Saturday was Jillian Michaels book "making the cut", I'm just randomly pulling workouts from her book, not doing them in order. Friday I went to Zumba, way fun but when I don't lift, I struggle with my workout. I feel like it isn't a good enough workout, although my abbs were sore this morning. I lifted for about 20 minutes today and then went to the yoga class. I haven't done yoga forever. I had beads of sweat on my forehead and I like the warm feeling my muscles have from yoga and of course the meditation and "getting centered".
I'm finally noticing my body change. I can really see it in my core and other areas like my chin besides the obvious. And I feel strong, I love that. I actually look forward to doing push ups as part of my workout because I can do "so many" on my toes now.
I am down to 175.7
I feel ready for the cruise. I am gong to continue to work hard these last couple weeks and diet, so we'll see where I end up.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

there is good in everything right?

I had a great week of eating BUT we went to dinner last night with Ryan's family for his birthday and it was Mexican. heavy. But since I've been dealing with a bit of the stomach flu and had a relapse last night of the diarrhea, I am now down to 176.4. It was miserable to be sick, but now that it's over, it sure did help :) Less than a month until the cruise! I can't wait.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

oh what to do, what to do

i am now on week 5 of fit camp and running 3 days a week. I need to start figuring out what is holding me back. I stick to my 1600 calories a day and I'm only down to 177.4. When we go running, I only have until about 7:00 and my friend doesn't want to go any earlier than 6:30 so I'm going to try and add more cardio and more weight lifting. Right now I work out about 3.5-4 hours a week. This week I'm aiming for 5 hours. I always wonder if there is a certain food that causes me to hold onto weight, but having to cut something beautiful out like white flour or sugar, I don't want to know about it.
This morning I told myself that I just might have to start preparing to look like "this" while on the cruise. The weight is hardly coming off and my body isn't changing either like I had hoped, so I'm preparing for the "worse". The worse being, looking like I do in a bikini. Trust me, it won't take me long to get over it. I have one more month, and I refuse to quit trying.

Also, I need to start adding in some triathlon training. I'm doing one in May and have only biked once and have not yet swam in a pool! But I'll be strong ") That is what I love about fit camp, I feel so much stronger!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

will I regret posting this?

I'm ready to confess my sins. I really didn't want to let ya'll know about how much I weighed after the holidays. I had no discipline and it's just amazing how quickly the weight comes back! Eating healthy and exercising has to constantly be a part of my life. hope my kids have better genes ;)
Well, I started working hard at getting in shape 2 weeks ago, so on February 7th, I weighed 182. Yeah, I know, insane! That week was my first week of fit camp and running 3 days a week and all together eating better. This last week, I through in the holiday melt down 6 day diet and am now down to 178.4. I was really wanting to just take a magic pill and be back down to where I was at the beginning of December. Today is my last day of the melt down and next week I plan on eating healthy and continuing my workouts and then the week after, I will do something a little more strict, then just eat get it? What I was really hoping for was to lose 5 lbs on the meltdown but no luck. I guess the 2 is more likely to stay off than losing 5. Oh I should also add that I've had that wonderful gift from mother nature all week so maybe that is making me hold onto another pound? Time will tell.

my progress
