Saturday, March 28, 2009

week 12

I was planning by now to post some pictures of myself. before and after type pictures. I thought 12 weeks would be enough time to be more comfortable. I'm just not there yet. But I have lost a little over 12 pounds now. I wanted more but averaging a pound a week isn't bad. My triathlon training this week went well. I was able to run, bike and swim at least once, some twice.
I failed at lent. I had a week and a half to go and I failed. My step dad is in the ICU right now and we just found out he has a stage 3 bone cancer. So I've been quite emotional and stressed. By Wednesday, I just didn't care and had a girl scout cookie. Okay, I had 3. But I feel so much better when I don't eat treats so I kind of recommitted. With the weight loss success I've been having since I stopped eating treats, I find it's not worth it to eat them again. No regrets come swim suit time!

week 12: 187.8
with a loss of 2 lbs this week!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thank you Syd and Linds for the motivation!

this week: 189.8
I lost 0.1
I have been sick this week. An upper chest kind of cold. So I was lacking motivation and energy. I didn't start working out until Wednesday and they weren't all that intense. BUT, it did feel good to workout. I also didn't get any triathlon training in this week. I went for a run but it only ended up being 23 minutes because I saw a neigbor that I needed to talk to and then I ran out of time with my "babysitter".

This week I want to do all triathlon workouts and I'd like to add at least one, hopefully two resistance workouts.

At least I didn't gain or just maintain but I hate when I lose less than half a pound and to be honest, kind of annoying when I lose less than a pound.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

so grateful for health!

This week I have been sick with something in my chest and it also makes me tired. I don't want any regrets come saturday weigh in but I really don't have the energy for a workout. Get up and just do it!!! at least some resistance, it's not like I always have to do hard cardio.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


wow this has been a rough weekend. I woke up the morning of the race with a sore throat and it has been down hill from there. Today I'm exhausted. And today is Ryan's birthday. For his birthday eve, he asked me to make him brownies with vanilla ice cream. Then today I made him cake with cream cheese frosting. I LOVE my cream cheese frosting. My point, I'm exhausted and feeling sick and having to stare at yummy baked goods that much, can take a tole one you. I almost just took a lick. Who would it hurt, nobody really cares if I fail or succeed at making it through Lent. Yeah, but I do. It's a challenge for me and I like to prove to myself that I can accomplish things. Hence the self inflicted torture of races. A crunchy peanut butter sandwich got me through.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

week 10 with a bit of celebration

we'll start with my measurements

baby bulge..........39.5..-0.5

last weeks weight: 191.9
this week: 189.9
Not only did I lose 2 lbs! BUT I'm in the 180's! so happy about that. It's always nice to go down a tier. As I'm typing this, my husband just pulled warm brownies out of the oven and topped it off with vanilla ice cream. none for me. Lent has gotten far easier as time goes on. I don't even think twice about not eating treats and they aren't a temptation either.

Today I ran a 5k. The triathlon in May is going to be a challenge! Wow is my body beat from being pregnant. I'm nervous for the triathlon. I held a good pace in the run but I don't know if I could ride a bike and swim in one day after running 3 miles.

This week I did weight watchers for my eating. It obviously worked so I will continue it again for the coming week. 3 more weeks of no treats which is turning out to be a good thing.
I need to do more endurance training to prepare for the triathlon. So I"m thinking more steady state cardio rather than fat burning workouts.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

family skate night = fun exercise

Last night we had another Family Skate Night and this time I rented skates! The rentals were only $1 and I was allowed to push Charlotte in the stroller while I skated. It was so fun to be skating to loud music and of course to be with the kids. And to top it off, I got a second workout in for the day. I would have liked to skate faster for an even better workout but I had to look like a responsible adult. And the little kids that would bail out at the last second and cut you off, made me a little nervous. Possibly video will be posted on our family blog about it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

week 9

my pride doesn't want me to post this week but I've got to stay accountable to my 3 viewers that read this blog.

this week: 191.9
I'm only down 0.1
I'm doing perfect with Lent, no treats. And I've had plenty of opportunities. My husband made fried ice cream on sunday and insisted that I just take a bite and try it. I did not do it. Then on Wednesday, I made a friend some brownies and did not eat any from the pan or lick the spoon! And finally, last night I went on a date with my husband and he got a very delicious looking dessert, but I did not eat a single bite. And all 3 times weren't even tempting, I know I'll be able to eat these things again so why screw up my goal now? We went to an "okay" restaurant. the company was great and I enjoyed the time with my hubby but the food wasn't worth it.
I got some good triathlon work outs in but I'm still struggling with my running. I went for a 3 mile run at a good pace and at about 26 minutes, I had to walk for a minute. So it took me 31.46 to run 3 miles. I want to be faster than this in the triathlon.

My goal for this week is to be in the 180's! I really need to plan out my food and workouts. Charlotte is sleeping consistently now so I think I'm going to start getting my workouts in first thing in the morning before I get the kids up for school. Then I've got a work out in guaranteed. It would be nice to have a jogging partner but for some reason, I haven't had much luck finding one in my neighborhood.

my progress
