Tuesday, November 17, 2009


the 6 day post holiday eating plan is not for sale, It's free! For more information go to fit eats

Monday, November 16, 2009

end of fit camp results

today ended the 3rd fit camp and also a 6 day post holiday diet that I was trying out for my friend. Kind of a lose the holiday weight type thing that she is selling with her training. I think more info is here or here
anyways, last time I took my measurements was the end of Making the Cut, about 6 1/2 weeks ago. And I'm doing them on a Monday, I usually do it Friday because I weigh less from eating good all week rather than snacking all weekend. But because the diet just ended yesterday, I knew today was as good as any.

weight 176.3 (explanation below)...173.9!!
bust 41......................................40.5 nbb
chest 34.5.................................same
waist 34.5.....................................34
hips 42......................................same
R thigh 25.5.....................................24.5
L thigh 25.5......................................24.75
R arm 13.........................................12.75
L arm 13........................................12.75
belly button 37.5...............................same (dang it)

3.9 more pounds to my goal!! It sounds so little, but I feel like I'm getting to the point where the weight doesn't come off as easy. Okay, let's be honest, I'm getting to the point where it requires more discipline with my diet and I just need to dig deep and find that :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The triathlon is done. I'm sure if you read this, you also read my family blog. If not, here is a recap.
I have a hard time once I've accomplished what I've been training for because I feel like, "what's next?" and if there isn't anything, it's harder to find the motivation to work out hard. But right now, luckily I have the 4 mile turkey trot to look forward to. I ran the 5k in the triathlon so much faster than I normally do so I'm excited for this next run. But after Thanksgiving, then what? I'll find something. I did make a goal to run a half marathon before I turned 30, so maybe I will start looking for one of those.
Charlotte turned one on the 5th and I decided it was time to start weaning her, where did my full boobs go? so sad.

My trainer friend that has helped me a lot to get this weight off is planning a post holiday weight loss plan and I'm trying out her 6 day eating program for her. I'm on day 5 and am down to 174.6, this is progress :). I've been hanging out at the same weight for so long. But at the same time, it was nice to know I could eat how i wanted, workout hard (which I enjoy) and maintain. I just have to decide if I want to stay where I am. Which by the way, I have more confidence in my body than you might think. I don't mind looking how I do, I can buy normal clothes. But I think I'd like to get down to 170 because that is what I was after Cloe and it would be something cool to accomplish. But the boobs, the poor sad boobs that lead (because you always lose those first) you through weight loss.

peace out.

my progress
