Sunday, January 17, 2010

Aunt Flow came to visit this week. She hasn't visited for 2 years! I forgot how crappy she makes me feel during her visit, not so good for the self esteem. Bleh. I've decided to give myself a challenge this week. I am very aware of my body and how it reacts to certain foods. But......I usually don't listen. Sugars just make me feel bloated and I feel like they really affect my immune system in a bad way. Too many carbs makes me feel sluggish.
So this week I'm challenging myself to have self control. Can I take just one bite of cake? Can I eat just one cookie? Can I say no all together? But that's the price I pay for being a bomb cook ;) Can I eat just one serving? Can I make my servings smaller?
We shall see.
Jillian and I are still dating and our relationship is still going strong.

I hope to go snow shoeing soon, that should be a great workout, I hear cross country skiing is even better.

Monday, January 11, 2010

we're dating again.

kind of a joke between my baby-sister and I. Today I started Jillian Michael program again "Making the Cut". I really did not want to start it. I still don't want to be going to the gym. It's a hassle. It's close to a 30 minute drive round trip and just seems to take up my morning. There are quite a few I can do at home and at the gym in our clubhouse. But I know it will pay off in the end and I need to be doing something. My push-ups were a joke. It was nice to feel strong while it lasted, for now I will be feeling sore.
And we are in the time of winter that is so drab. It comes and goes during January and February, it's the nasty smog. I am a little concerned about working out with such terrible air quality but, I seem to do it anyway.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I'm trying not to be frustrated (bummed) about my holiday weight gain. I'm not telling you my weight which breaks my unwritten rules. My pride. It won't let me. I haven't decided what my plan of attack will be. I want to go to the gym but I also don't because this is the busiest month of the year and I don't want to fight the new year's resolution crowd. I guess the first order of business needs to be to hide all the treats and candy from christmas. I went for a lovely jog this morning, it was beautiful out and it felt great to be running. Maybe while I'm trying to figure out what to do, I'll start jogging in the mornings. I live in such a boring area for jogging and I can't find a jogging partner, which would be very helpful in keeping me going daily.
Today I was remembering how motivated I was to work out and lose weight when I was in the last few weeks of my pregnancy with Charlotte. If only I could get that flame lit under my butt again.

my progress
