Sunday, December 27, 2009

am i the only one?

I have gained weight over the holiday. I really didn't think it would happen, I really thought I would avoid it. Well I thought I might gain like 2 lbs of water weight but it is more and I don't want to talk about it :)I just feel gross. I went to the gym last night and did a Jillian Michaels workout and it was tough, I've gotten out of shape. craaaaap. I guess now is the time to do the post holiday melt down, that's what it's for, right? And I've signed up for 2 races for next year already. Woman's triathlon in May and a half marathon in July. I'm excited. And this year, non of my goals involve weight loss. I just don't feel like it's necessary. I know I'll do another boot camp and I have 2 races to train for so I don't feel like I'll gain any more than I did over the holidays and there is no other way to go except down?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I ended the post holiday diet last Friday at 172.5. And then had a wonderful Saturday that consisted of New Moon, lunch with in laws and then dinner was at our ward Christmas party. Not the most ideal but like last time, it has gotten me back on track with eating well. Until I go to my moms house and she has some delicious treat on the counter. damn those oreos in that adorable santa cookie jar. I've been trying to still workout but this week it has consisted of turbo jam videos. I don't feel like they are very intense but it's better than nothing. I'm a but apprehensive about getting on the scale because I was excited to be 2.5 pounds away from my "goal" and I don't want to see my set back. I know I have not been drinking enough water. Does this blog get pretty repetitive?
I signed up for the woman's triathlon again for May. The last thing I feel like doing right now is training but I know that will change by February.
I am very happy with where I am with my weight. I can wear normal clothes, eat what I want (realistically) do workouts I enjoy and maintain. Losing more would be a bonus but I am comfortable where I am.
Have a good week and enjoy Christmas!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

On thanksgiving, I ran a 4 mile turkey trot and started the day out weighing 173.5. Friday morning I woke up feeling sick with a stuffy nose and congested chest so this last week, all I've done is eat and no workouts. I finally went for a run on Saturday. Besides being sick it is just way too cold for me to keep up the motivation. So today I'm starting the holiday melt down diet again. I don't have anything going on this week but want to get back down before the next holiday. And I noticed that after finishing the 6 days last time, I ate better and less often. Meaning I wasn't snacking all day, instead I was eating 5 meals a day.
Day 1 start weight = 175.5

my progress
