Saturday, March 27, 2010

I thought I had posted after completing fit camp, obviously not. This week was great. I love working out hard, have I said that before? My running partner has been sick so I didn't do a lot of steady state cardio. MTTH and half of my workout Saturday was Jillian Michaels book "making the cut", I'm just randomly pulling workouts from her book, not doing them in order. Friday I went to Zumba, way fun but when I don't lift, I struggle with my workout. I feel like it isn't a good enough workout, although my abbs were sore this morning. I lifted for about 20 minutes today and then went to the yoga class. I haven't done yoga forever. I had beads of sweat on my forehead and I like the warm feeling my muscles have from yoga and of course the meditation and "getting centered".
I'm finally noticing my body change. I can really see it in my core and other areas like my chin besides the obvious. And I feel strong, I love that. I actually look forward to doing push ups as part of my workout because I can do "so many" on my toes now.
I am down to 175.7
I feel ready for the cruise. I am gong to continue to work hard these last couple weeks and diet, so we'll see where I end up.

1 comment:

corine said...

I can totally see a difference in your body- I think this is the thinnest i have seen you in awhile- hot momma here you are :)

my progress
