Tuesday, March 9, 2010

oh what to do, what to do

i am now on week 5 of fit camp and running 3 days a week. I need to start figuring out what is holding me back. I stick to my 1600 calories a day and I'm only down to 177.4. When we go running, I only have until about 7:00 and my friend doesn't want to go any earlier than 6:30 so I'm going to try and add more cardio and more weight lifting. Right now I work out about 3.5-4 hours a week. This week I'm aiming for 5 hours. I always wonder if there is a certain food that causes me to hold onto weight, but having to cut something beautiful out like white flour or sugar, I don't want to know about it.
This morning I told myself that I just might have to start preparing to look like "this" while on the cruise. The weight is hardly coming off and my body isn't changing either like I had hoped, so I'm preparing for the "worse". The worse being, looking like I do in a bikini. Trust me, it won't take me long to get over it. I have one more month, and I refuse to quit trying.

Also, I need to start adding in some triathlon training. I'm doing one in May and have only biked once and have not yet swam in a pool! But I'll be strong ") That is what I love about fit camp, I feel so much stronger!


Lindsey said...

You could try cutting your calories down to 1500 a day. You are likely undercounting (without meaning too). So if you are counting 1600 you could easily be eating 1750. Cut down to counting 1500 and try to count EVERYTHING. I bet it'll make a diff.

Jessica said...

Glad you commented on this Lindsey. I think I'm going to try that too!!

weller14 said...

stick with it. i am sure u are doing great.

my progress
